SLEEP: Questions and Vocabularies

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Tuần này ArrowEnglish gửi đến bạn môt số câu hỏi thú vị về chủ đề “SLEEP” mà trung tâm đã thu thập được từ các bạn học viên đã đi thi IELTS. Bên cạnh, Admin cũng chia sẽ với bạn những từ vựng hay về “SLEEP” để bạn hoàn thiện hơn câu trả lời của mình nhé!

Questions (02.2015 – 08.2015)

1. How many hours do you sleep per night?

2. What time do you usually go to bed?

3. Do you often take naps during the day?

4. Is it important to have a good sleep?

5. Between young and old people, who usually sleep more?


  • Make bed: arrange your bed before getting in bed or after getting up
  • Go to sleep/ go to bed
  • Get up: stop sleeping get out of bed
  • Wake up: stop sleeping and become awake
  • Stay up: go to bed later than usual
  • Sleep in: sleep until after the time you usually get up
  • Drool: let your saliva come out from your mouth
  • Dream (v): experience a series of images, events and feelings in your mind while you are asleep
  • Snore: breathe noisily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep
  • Sleepwalk  : walk around while you are asleep
  • A morning person # a night person
  • An early bird # a night owl
  • A light sleeper # a heavy sleeper; a sound sleeper
  • Sleepwalker/ somnambulist (formal): a person who walks around while they are asleep
  • Sleep deprivation: lack of sleep
  • Insomnia: the condition of being unable to sleep

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